So. Much. Snow.
Diane Roche Diane Roche

So. Much. Snow.

Week 1 in Alaska

After a safe arrival in Anchorage, we learned that the highway to Seward was soon to be impassable. Snow predictions were 10-18 inches with a “snow squall”, which means blowing snow that creates a whiteout. So, we stayed in Anchorage and waited patiently until the road was safe to travel. We arrived in Seward on Sunday and got settled in to our very small trappers cabin. Dave estimates that is about 210 square feet that we are living in for the next 3 months.

I completed my first week of work and most of my times was spent in training and learning the computer EMR. I have to walk through 2 shark tanks that are closed on both sides and eventually a door opens up to get me through security. I carry a set of 17 keys and a radio throughout the day. Everyone has been kind and respectful. I had a tour for the facility and I was so impressed. There are classes available for inmates to complete their GED, learn woodworking, computer skills, jewelry making, welding, electrician skills, plumbing skills and so much more. Of course, there are courses in life management and anger management, but no one signs up for those! There is a huge gym with work out equipment available and a basketball game going on all the time (except during lock down). The inmates have to buy all the equipment they need for the any activity. The library is fully stocked and many of the prisoners are voracious readers. The cafeteria, housekeeping and laundry are all staffed with inmates that have worked hard to earn the opportunity to have a job in which they can earn money to spend at the commissary.

Weekend activities included a work out at the Rec center, a tour at Saltwood Fish Smokery, and walking the first mile of the Iditarod Trail. We also found the shipping docks and explored all the fishing boats that are docked for the winter.

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